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Learn French Language

Learn French Language - A Beginner's Guide


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Spoken on five continents by more than 200 million people in 43 countries, French provides an important link between the native English speakers and the rest of the world.The possibilities that exist for personal growth, cultural exchange and even economic integration for the individual, society and the economy cannot be ignored. Spoken language has much less information bandwidth than the printed page and contains much more ambiguity which must be resolved, in real time, by context. And that is why learning to speak a language, instead of just being able to read it, is so important. Consider, for example, that in French there are many words that will probably sound exactly the same to a novice, but will have completely unrelated meanings, and won't differ all that much in pronunciation.

Learning French greatly improves your chances of success in the job market. After English, French is the second most frequently taught language in the world. Learning French on your own can be just as proficient as taking a French language class, it all depends on what works best for you. And note, it's not about just learning French grammar, you need to practice speaking French, writing French, reading French and most important, listening to French. Learning French is step one to achieve the ranks of the cultural elite. If you decide to learn to speak French, you will have chosen to learn one of the great languages of the world.

Learning French can be difficult, but if you find the right teaching method it can be a breeze. Learning French can be very interesting, but the process is quite a challenge. Learning a new language by reading and conversing can be both practical and fun, and it is certainly an experience that you will treasure for the rest of your life. Learning French can make it so much easier for you to communicate with other people. You will be able to go about your daily routine without any help from a translator.

Learning French before you go to a French speaking country is not that hard. Books and tapes are readily available at your local bookstore or online. Learning French can also open doors to employment in a variety of occupations such as in teaching, translation, interpreting and the travel industry. Learning French will simply provide you with new opportunities to enjoy life. Take advantage of learning French, it can help you improve your life, whether in the work place or just for fun.

French Alphabets and their Pronunciation